Cadeira abdutora – o exercício desnecessário

Visto como importante para esttica e para reabilitação, a cadeira abdutora é, na verdade, totalmente desnecessária para a maioria das pessoas. Artigo citado:Dawson & Herrington (2015). Improving Single-Legged-Squat Performance: Comparing 2 Training Methods With Potential Implications for Injury Prevention. J Athl Train. 2015;50(9):921‐929. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-50.9.03 Play in new window | Download

Cadeira abdutora – o exercício desnecessário Read More »

Cadeira adutora – 3 motivos para não fazer

Visto como importante para esttica e para reabilitação, a cadeira abdutora é, na verdade, totalmente desnecessária para a maioria das pessoas. Artigo citado:Dawson & Herrington (2015). Improving Single-Legged-Squat Performance: Comparing 2 Training Methods With Potential Implications for Injury Prevention. J Athl Train. 2015;50(9):921‐929. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-50.9.03 Play in new window | Download

Cadeira adutora – 3 motivos para não fazer Read More »

Physiological aspects and energetic contribution in 20s:10s high-intensity interval exercise at different intensities

Background. One of the most popular high-intensity interval exercises is the called ”Tabata Protocol”. However, most investigations have limitations in describing the work intensity, and this fact appears to be due to the protocol unfeasibility. Furthermore, the physiological demands and energetic contribution during this kind of exercise remain unclear. Methods. Eight physically active students (21.8

Physiological aspects and energetic contribution in 20s:10s high-intensity interval exercise at different intensities Read More »

Kettlebell Training for Female Ballet Dancers: Effects on Lower Limb Power and Body Balance

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of 5 month kettlebell-based training on jumping performance, balance, blood pressure and heart rate in female classical ballet dancers. It was a clinical trial study with 23 female dancers (age = 21.74 ± 3.1 years; body height = 168.22 ± 5.12 cm; body mass

Kettlebell Training for Female Ballet Dancers: Effects on Lower Limb Power and Body Balance Read More »

High-speed bodyweight resistance training improves functional performance through maximal velocity in older females

We compared the effects of body-weight resistance training (BWT), at moderate or high-speed conditions, on muscle power, velocity of movement, and functional performance in older females. In a randomized single-blinded non-controlled trial, participants completed twelve weeks (three sessions/week) of BWT, at high (HST; n=14; age, 70.6±4.3 years) or moderate (MST; n=12; age, 72.8±4.2 years) speeds.

High-speed bodyweight resistance training improves functional performance through maximal velocity in older females Read More »

Evaluating the results of resistance training using ultrasound or flexed arm circumference: a case for keeping it simple?

Background: The present study aimed to compare changes in muscle size when measured by ultrasound (MT, muscle thickness) and arm circumference (AC) using data from young men. Methods: The investigation involved data from 3 previous studies involving a total 67 young men who performed resistance training (RT) for 10-12 weeks. Before and after the training

Evaluating the results of resistance training using ultrasound or flexed arm circumference: a case for keeping it simple? Read More »

Resistance Training Safety during and after the SARS-Cov-2 Outbreak: Practical Recommendations

In December of 2019, there was an outbreak of a severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by the coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) in China. The virus rapidly spread into the whole world causing an unprecedented pandemic and forcing governments to impose a global quarantine, entering an extreme unknown situation. The organizational consequences of quarantine/isolation are

Resistance Training Safety during and after the SARS-Cov-2 Outbreak: Practical Recommendations Read More »

H”IT”ting the Barriers for Exercising During Social Isolation

Aerobic exercise is traditionally recommended to improve general health and prevent many non-communicable diseases. However, the measures adopted to control the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak culminated with closing of exercise facilities and fitness centers and, as a primary consequence, impaired aerobic exercise practice. This contributed to an increase in risk factors associated with physical inactivity

H”IT”ting the Barriers for Exercising During Social Isolation Read More »